a vibrant and saturated series of dancing colors nestled by a trio of outlets, hugged by the desert dust, and born from tectonic action, the Red Sea IS effervescent beauty
a distant traveled, seldom ventured aquatic journey into one of the world's most magically evolving wonders, seeking deeper reaches of exploration into the indonesian-phillipeno-far south pacific region... the amazon of the sea awaits
an abstract photo series focusing on the very seldom, rare and precious occasions below where a brief moment of white space presents itself to those patient enough to wait
a special photographicseries depicting the point at which waves or rays meet after reflection or refraction
a raw series capturing the senescene of brisk monuments set in ice and the fresh beauty revealed in sandy surface
a unique series seizing the fast pace light & life below the surface praising each moment for its very special occasion... that they will never be another like it